2024 is one for the books! It is hard to explain everything this year has brought me, but somehow I managed to get my calendar done for the 3rd year in a row. As a child, I loved math. Probably because I was really good at it. I remember one particular Math Olympiad tournament where we got shirts with tessellations on them. I really am a nerd at heart. I hope you enjoy this year's version. I really have no idea what is in store for the 2025 version. Hope you all have a great holiday season! If you are going to see me anyways before the end of the year and you'd like to save on shipping. The calendar costs $30 including tax. It is available in both Large Print (shown in picture) or the Standard (smaller) Print that leaves you room to write on the calendar. Use the contact link at the top of the page to tell me what you want and reserve your calendar. Pay with cash or check at pick-up or Paypal in advance (just let me know). I'm placing orders in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The first deadline is November 11th and the second deadline is December 4th. Thank you for all your support!
The 2024 calendars are now in my Etsy shop. I was so happy with the quality of the print from last year that it was an easy choice to have Gooten print them again this year. I actually have two calendar design options: Alaska Animals (last year's model) and Pretty Patterns (new this year). I never wrote in my calendar last year, but I wished the dates were larger so that I could see them from a distance. So I made two print size options. The paper is the same size, but the large print version has much larger numbers. All in all I am very happy with how this year's turned out. I am already making plans for my 2025 designs.
2024 is off to a start and the first two weeks haven't allowed much time for art. It is hard to explain and I'm aware that there will be many times that family will be take priority over my creative work. However, I'm becoming painfully aware that if I don't prioritize my creative work, I probably won't be able to function.
So on that note, let's talk about plans for my 2024 calendars. There will be two calendar versions in two formats this year. The two formats will be the same: large format and small self-print. The first version will be simply the same as 2023. I'll just re-date it for 2024. The second will be a completely new set of art. I am most excited about an art style that reminds me of linocut, but is done with black ink. Here's an example of one I did a year ago from a picture I took in Arizona 16 years ago. However, I want to dig into my local area and so all of the scenes will be on the Kitsap Peninsula. I successfully wrapped up my summer with this Vlog style YouTube video. I hope you can tell how much fun I have making these. Such a fun process for me and I loved sharing all the things I accomplished. The largest of all the projects was my Alaska Wall calendar that you can purchase here on Etsy. It is beautiful. I'm not biased. I decided last December that I wanted to create a calendar to be ready for the year 2023. My calculations estimate that I need to have it completed by the end of the summer in order to get everything else set up for others to be able to order it in time. I had a lot of different ideas about what calendar to put together. It needed to have a cohesive theme and a consistent style. Should I do urban sketches? What about cartoons or comics? What about using some of my cursive work? Well I think I've settled on doing a combination of collage, cursive copywork, and watercolor. The cow pictured is just an exploration and won't actually be included in the calendar. I pulled out this old book written by Sheldon Jackson. I'd purchased it several years ago for no other reason than that I went to Sheldon Jackson College. I know at least one month of the calendar will feature words from this book, but I may do it all! We'll have to see how this all evolves. It is always exciting to move past the brainstorming phase of a project!
February 2025